Nausika works from a cozy studio in her garden, surrounded by the soothing world of flowers, trees and orchards while looking out on a calm nature reserve.
As a high-sensitive artist she needs peace and quiet to create. Ceramics is in a way a slow paced art, especially working with porcelain requires patience and attentiveness. One can’t rush clay, it takes time and focus to shape it. It’s all about an appreciation for details and an attentive observation. It’s a wonderful, slow and fascinating process!
Her studio is a peaceful place where one can discover beautiful and tiny treasures found in nature. Everywhere one looks, one can see dried seedpods or ferns, branches covered with moss, leaves and dried flowers. All these natural forms and shapes are a source of inspiration for the delicate botanical stories she creates in porcelain.
Her work is definitely inspired by her love and fascination for nature. ‘Ceramic florist’ would be an appropriate term for Nausika as she creates a world of floral abundance. She wants to create pieces that arouse curiosity and wonder for the beauty of the natural world around us. Her work is a kind invitation to look closer, to slow down and to really observe nature’s delicate beauty with an attentive eye.
‘Add beauty to add wonder’, is her motto.
She loves spending time in her garden and walking in nature where she can notice the shifting of the wonderful seasons. She reflects on the abundance and meaning of nature and how it affects our daily life. Embracing the seasons will open our eyes to the small wonders of the everyday and invites us to consciously care for this life that surrounds us and to live at a slower pace.
John Muir couldn’t say it any better: ‘Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul.’
In this video I’ll take you on a little tour in my world.