Papaver somniferum
Viola odorata
A modern herbarium
These handmade golden frames with a unique page from an antique photo album are a modern interpretation of the old herbaria.
These unique frames display every little detail of a blooming flower; from seed to pistil in fine porcelain.
The amazing diversity and details of nature are ready to be revealed and discovered in this modern herbaria!
Lathyrus odoratus
This glass display is filled with tiny treasures from the woods in antique glass boxes and bottles which invite you to discover the small wonders and details to be found in the forest.
The woods are the lungs of our earth and are a wonderful but fragile ecosystem.
By creating these ‘Stories of the Forest’, I want to focus on the beauty and diversity of the forest but also encourage you to take care of it so they won’t be destroyed for the future generations.
Stories of the Forest
Garden of Hope
This antique metal box is filled with a unique collection of dried flowers, seedpods, seeds, …
Seeds hold the promise of hope for the future and will surprise us with flowers again!
It’s just amazing how much potential and beauty one tiny seed contains!
A walk through the seasons
In every season there are tiny treasures to be found.
Just walk slow and take the time to notice the subtle seasonal shift.
A botanical Irish fairytale
Early summer delights
Forest Treasures
This is all about the treasures we might discover in the forest; mushrooms, lichen, wood anemones, blackberries and much more.