Spring quote
Spring is officially here! A season we’ve all eagerly been waiting for. Harmonious bird song in the morning, sweet fragranced blossoms, fresh green shoots, the lengthening of daylight and the bright yellow of the first dandelions colouring our days.
It’s Spring
and the garden is changing its clothes,
putting away its dark winter suits,
its dull scarves and drab brown overcoats.
Now, it wraps itself in green shoots,
slips on blouses sleeved with pink and white blossom,
pulls on skirts of daffodil and primrose,
snowdrop socks and purple crocus shoes,
then dances in the sunlight.
John Foster
There’s so much sorrow, despair, war and loneliness in the world right now. It seems as if beauty is of little importance in comparison with what’s going these days. However, I really believe we need beauty to deal with this harshness and grief. And spring is a season full of beauty and hope!
I hope this new season may be filled with peace, joy, love and kindness for all of you! And may you find the time to gratefully notice beauty around you!