February reveries

On a day like today it’s quite easy to enjoy February. It started with a pastel sunrise…

… followed by a clear blue sky with a shining sun, harmonious bird song in the air and everything covered with a powdery layer of frost. It feels really like winter as it’s such a cold and frosty day but during my walk I could notice the first signs of spring which I will share with you further on in this blogpost.

One can really feel this subtle shift from winter to early spring in February. It’s the shortest of all months and it’s definitely a month of transition. An in-between month. Still dark and cold and yet the days are noticeably lengthening. There are some truly wonderful things February has to offer.

February receives its name from the latin term ‘februum’. Februa is an ancient purification festival held on February 15 under the old lunar Roman calendar. The festival was about cleansing and purifcation at a time when new life began to spring from the earth. In the christian tradition we have Candlemas on the 2nd of February, also known as the Feast of the presentation of Jesus and the Feast of the purification of Mary. Lent (the time of fasting before Easter) begins at the 22nd of February.

It seems as if February represents purification, denial and the return of the light after a long and dark winter. I’m wondering what I can learn from it. How can I implement some of these aspects in my daily life?

Maybe we might find some inspiration in the following poem of Gunilla Norris…

Spare. Knowing that less is more. Less need to improve,

less trying, less judgment, less regret.

We need to learn this, year after year.

Slowly the self-imposed abstinence gives us freedom.

But this is not always an easy process.

To do little, but with great consciousness and respect,

is to do more than we might realise.

Our goals do not consume our personhoods.

And we do not then consume each other,

and use less of the earth’s resources.

To say “no” to hurry, to overwork,

to whatever is more than is needed,

is to say “yes” to leisure, to reverie, and communion.

I think most of us will agree we all could do with less. To say “no” sometimes. But I think it’s different for everyone in which area we might consider this.

This month I’ve been reflecting on how to deal with social media (Instagram in my case as I don’t use any other channel). I’m still figuring out if I want to continue using it or if I will quit it. I’ve been doing quite some reading and thinking about running a slow business and the impact of social media and the digital technology on our lives. Is Instagram really necessary for my business and how is my daily life affected by it? Can I maybe say “no” to it?!

Let’s go back to what nature has to offer us in this last winter month. The trees are still skeletons but yet there are signs of growth everywhere. The buds are swelling and waiting for the warmth of spring days to come. The honeysuckle in our garden has already a lot of new green leaves. And I mean really, really green (no filter is added on the pictures below)! Have you already noticed the first green sprouts or leaves in your garden?

The honey berry is one of the first bushes in our garden to bloom with its soft yellow flowers. And slowly the green leaves are unfolding too. Once the bees come out of their beehive this shrub in the garden is a happy and crowded space!

Have you also been looking forward to the first snowdrops? I couldn’t wait and they were quite early this year. I know different places where they grow and there’s quite some difference in their growing schedule!

Snowdrops are blooming so beautifully with their delicate and pure white bells. I always have a tiny vase with these hopeful flowers on the table to remind me spring is on its way. Other flowering bulbs like the crocus, tipis, daffodils are making their way through the soil too these days.

The first yellow crocus popping out in our garden was quickly gone and eaten by snails. So I have to have a little more patience.

Making a little display and bringing the first flowers of the year inside is such a delight for me. Every day I enjoy the fresh green and watch how the pure white bells unfold their petals. I never get bored of these snowdrops, do you?

The garden is still bare and without colour. Still, here and there you can spot some little dots of colour. February invites us to look closely!

Have you ever noticed the vivid warm red of the female flowers of the hazelnut? The male flowers are dancing in the wind and look bright against a grey sky with their yellow tails.

And the wonderful yellow hamamelis with its heavenly scent is blooming too these days!

There’s even more colour to be found… as the hellebores are blooming! Over the years I’ve collected various species and they all have different colours. I really love these winter blooms in the garden!

And when you walk with me through the garden you’ll see the first sprouts of garlic and the vivid green leaves of purslane. The mulch of leaves which I put on the bed at the end of autumn is almost gone. The leaves and compost are now almost decomposed by the hard work of earth worms. I think they are the best of gardeners! They are great aerators of soil. By both consuming the leaves and compost and moving through it, they open spaces in the pack layers for air to enter. Also, their castings make a wonderful fertilizer.

To make the most of this last month of winter, I’ll like to lit the candles in the morning and at dinner time in the evening. There’s so much warmth and joy in being surrounded by candlelight. It also adds this little touch of luxury and magic to an ordinary day. There’s a huge pile of books to be read which I always look forward to during the day. It’s something so typical for these last dark days so let’s enjoy it to the fullest in February!

February is also a good month to watch the birds. From my studio window I can watch them closely and it’s so interesting to see their different characters. For example this little robin who is always looks serious, attentive and on it’s guard. The tomtits on the other hand are more relaxed and playful.

I hope you will enjoy this last month of winter and that you may be filled with hope as spring will soon come!


Spring Workshop


Ode to Winter