In my studio… inspired by Spring
It's March and Spring is definitely on its way! Have you noticed it too? Slowly the green buds are unfolding their leaves, the first blossoms appear in the hedgerow, an ever-loudening dawn chorus, buzzing bees on the blooming willow catkins, colourful daffodils and crocuses in the garden, the warming sunshine on my face… After a time of rest, nature is awakening and adding beauty and hope to our daily lives.
As I'm a true flower lover it wouldn't surprise you I'm so glad now the first flowers are in bloom after a long winter. In this blogpost you'll discover which blooming spring flowers are inspiring my work in the studio these days.
Let's begin with the hellebores. They bloom at the end of winter and are a cheerful sight in the garden when everything else is still brown and withered. Over the last years I've collected several species and my collection is still growing. I especially love the soft pink coloured ones!
I've been experimenting with drying the hellebores and they turned out really nice. They will be part of a new work for my solo exhibition this summer in Oldenburg.
As the market season is also approaching, I've been working on a new collection of jewellery. Tiny porcelain flower ear studs in soft spring colours. If you'd like to know which ceramic market I'll attend, you can check my agenda.
Soon the magnolia will be in full bloom. It's just a majestic sight to see this tree blooming and it always fills me with joy whenever I pass one! I only have a small one in our garden but it makes more flowers every year.
I've made a magnolia branch with blooming flowers for a new glass dome which will be all about spring flowers.
In the hedgerows the first blossoms of the blackthorn are blooming on its bare branches. Delicate white and pink petals whirling around and a sweet fragrance lingering in the air.
A collection of spring flowers which will be part of a new work in an antique metal box. Can you recognise the wild violet, spring bulbs, a single snowdrop, celandine, magnolia and a hawthorn branch?
I hope this spring season will bring us lots of lovely blossoms and blooming flowers and fill us with hope and delight!